(Luna Lovegood - yep her name is the same with the character in Harry Potter)
Si Kepala Jamur dan Si Muka Tombol
Tools : pencil, drawing pen
She is my best friend.
When I come home, she always runs to greet me.
She loves to take naps, stretch, run, romp, and play daily.
She is a very smart dog. She understands many tricks.
She loves to draw attentions and let people touch her.
She is very protective. She loves to play with children.
When she is happy, she will dance around and wag her entire body.
She delights in the simple joy of a long walk.
She is loyal, never pretend to be something she is not.
When I'm having a bad day, she will be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle me gently.
She always reminds me to give her favorite cookies before I go to bed.
She cherish and enjoy every moment of everyday.
She loves me unconditionally.